Profile in Irish Tech News
Pete Townsend penned the below piece for the Irish Tech News in September 2017:
By @SimonCocking great interview with Pete Townsend founder of @NorioVentures1 and self-proclaimed rockstar of financial services, who will be sharing his insights at our event on October 26th, 2017.
1 min pitch for what you are doing now?
I am helping fintech startup clients be disruptive and corporate clients in financial services prepare for disruption. Norio Ventures is an advisory business with venture capital ambitions. With startups, I do my best to inspire leadership while helping to gain traction with customers and investors, while connecting with the steady diet of curveballs. With corporate clients, there are more curveballs, but at a slower speed. Aligning an organisation to grab hold of new markets while in the midst of regulatory changes and unrelenting cost pressures is hard work, but fun. The most fun is bringing startups and corporates together to make real music.