3 Questions with Pete Townsend from Havas Blockchain
Pete Townsend appeared in the Havas Blockchain Medium page in January 2019:
(1) First of all, could you tell us a little bit about yourself and about Norio Ventures?
After 21 years in the asset management and hedge fund industry, I launched Norio Ventures two years ago. I expected that it would take three to five years to re-align myself from someone with deep operating experience in financial markets to a venture investor with strong conviction on the future of financial market infrastructure. I already had the strong conviction, but I needed to adapt my knowledge of how others invest into a model for how I’d invest. To shed my corporate skin and think like a startup, I’ve spent the last two years helping tech startups in my sweetspot, i.e. those that share my vision on how financial markets will be operating in the next five to ten years.
Read on here: https://medium.com/@Havas_Blockchain/3-questions-to-pete-townsend-founder-of-norio-ventures-685f978fb0c9